Welcome to the Practice Website of Doctor Ira Bernstein

Thank you for taking the time to consult our website. This website is built to provide information and services to you as a valued patient.
You’ll find the answers to most of your questions about our practice right here including such things as our office hours and directions, the best way to contact us, office polices and more. The website also offers tools to schedule appointments, pay for uninsured services, request receipts and use of our secure email environment.
This easy to use website should save you time and hassles, and we’ll update it regularly to make sure you get the information you need. Of course, if you have other questions that require live support, that is always available by phone during regular office hours.
Please be advised that Dr. Ira Bernstein is no longer treating COVID-19 patients. Dr. Bernstein encourages patients to get the approved Covid-19 vaccinations and, if experiencing Covid-19 symptoms and feeling seriously ill, to attend the Emergency Department of the closest hospital